Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama Urged Governors to Celebrate UN Day.

The New American -

President Obama issued a presidential proclamation for “United Nations Day” on October 24 praising the controversial global body while urging governors and officials in all 50 states to celebrate the occasion with “appropriate ceremonies.” The statement drew swift criticism from UN opponents and conservative activists, who argue that the U.S. government should instead withdraw from the scandal-plagued international outfit.

Despite of a series of recent set-backs and major controversies surrounding the institution, President Obama, an unabashed fan of the planetary body that critics refer to as the “dictators club,” praised the UN and the “ideals” it purportedly represents. On the 67th anniversary of the UN founding, Obama called on Americans and the world to continue working toward carrying the institution’s “vision” forward.

“Today, we commemorate United Nations Day by celebrating the founding ideals laid down in its Charter and reaffirming the commitments to peace building, human rights, and social progress that will guide us in the years to come,” he said in the proclamation, sounding oblivious to the UN’s well-documented true intentions. “Throughout its history, the United Nations Charter has reflected the belief that the world is more secure when the global community acts collectively.”

The president also painted the organization as a defender of “children,” the sick, and of course, global “peace,” claiming the UN “played an essential role” in making the planet a better place. “In today’s world, this mission remains as vital as it has ever been,” Obama alleged in the proclamation, adding that the U.S. government would continue working with its “global partners” to promote and realize the supposed aspirations of unspecified “people.”

But it was not enough for the president and other top federal officials to express unquestioning allegiance to the widely criticized global entity. “I urge the Governors of the 50 States, and the officials of all other areas under the flag of the United States, to observe United Nations Day with appropriate ceremonies and activities,” the presidential proclamation declared. It remains unclear whether any governors paid attention to the decree.

The Department of State, meanwhile, was busy urging regular citizens to get involved in the festivities, too. “Join us in commemorating UN Day by finding an event hosted by your local United Nations Association,” wrote State Department “Public Affairs Specialist” Ashli Ferguson Savoy, touting “robust U.S. support” for the UN while claiming that the institution somehow advanced American national interests.

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