Monday, November 26, 2012

150 Trihealth Employees Fired for Refusing to Take Mandatory Flu Shot


In recent years there has been an undocumented resistance growing within the medical community towards vaccinations, especially forced vaccinations.

The people who created some of the first vaccines like the small pox antidote for example, actually refuse to take most modern vaccinations due to the harmful toxins that they now contain.

Many hospital employees and public health workers are now being forced to take vaccinations.  This measure of force was probobly taken to save face for the industry, because so many health workers have actually been refusing shots.

Fox 19 in Cincinnati reports that:

“One hundred and fifty employees at Tri-Health received termination letters after not getting a mandatory flu shot.

According to a company official, employees were asked to get a flu shot which was offered on-site at the workplace and was free of charge. Employees that didn’t get the required flu shot got termination letters this week.

Those employees who were terminated can go through an appeals process and get re-instated, but that process begins with verification of getting the flu shot.”
Despite the fact that the shot was free and given during work hours it seems fair to reason that the 150 some health employees who refused the shot did so out of concern for their safety.  There is information out there on the internet on every single shot and vaccine, so be sure to do your own research and find out what you are actually putting in your body.

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