Tuesday, November 20, 2012

MSNBC Did No Negative Stories About Obama or Positive Ones About Romney Last Week of Campaign

By Noel Sheppard

This is all Americans need to know about just how disgraceful a "news network" MSNBC is.

A new study just released by the Pew Research Center found that in the final week of the just-ended presidential campaign, the "Lean Forward" network did absolutely no negative stories about President Obama or positive ones about Mitt Romney.

MSNBC's coverage of Romney during the final week (68% negative with no positive stories in the sample), was far more negative than the overall press, and even more negative than it had been during October 1 to 28 when 5% was positive and 57% was negative.

For Obama, meanwhile, the coverage improved in the last week. From October 1 to 28, 33% was positive and 13% negative. During the campaign's final week, fully 51% of MSNBC's stories were positive while there were no negative stories at all in the sample.

How disgraceful!

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